Literacy Point of Light: Young Professionals Group Chair, Caitlin Rance

In the heart of Houston's vibrant community, Caitlin Rance stands as a beacon of commitment and compassion. As the current Chair of the Young Professionals Group, Caitlin has dedicated six years of unwavering volunteer service to the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation. Beyond the titles and responsibilities, Caitlin's involvement is motivated by a genuine passion for literacy and a desire to have a positive impact on her community.

For Caitlin, the journey began with a quest to give back to Houston, a city she holds close to her heart. Drawn to literacy as a universal force for good, Caitlin shares,

"I was looking for ways to give back to the Houston community, and literacy stood out as something that everyone can benefit from."

Volunteering has become a significant part of Caitlin's life and has left an indelible mark on her personally. Recognizing every individual carries a unique story, Caitlin understands that life extends far beyond what meets the eye. She feels any help to make a difference in a person's life is always needed, and anything to better their future is worth the effort.

Among Caitlin's most cherished memories this year, her favorite occurred during the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation's summer program, Camp Adventure. While she consistently enjoys classroom read-aloud sessions, conducting the hands-on STEM and reading activities with young scholars hold a special place in her heart. Reflecting on the experience, Caitlin expresses, "My favorite event the Foundation hosts is Camp Adventure. This year, we interacted with the students as they made magnetic slime, and everyone had a smile on their face!"

The most rewarding moments, she shares, come from the My Home Library initiative, where underserved students receive six brand-new books to take home. Describing the sheer delight of witnessing a child's face light up during read-aloud sessions, Caitlin emphasizes,

"There is nothing better than seeing a child's face light up when you are reading to them or giving them books that they get to take home with them."

Alongside fellow Young Professionals Group members, Caitlin volunteers to distribute books to underserved students every semester and joins students for engaging experiments during the summer for Camp Adventure, making our young professionals a force for good throughout the year.

When Caitlin is not managing projects at Universal Weather & Aviation or volunteering with the Foundation, she finds solace in books. A particular favorite is Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Motivated by a simple yet profound motto – "Leave the world better than you found it," – Caitlin exemplifies this philosophy in her daily pursuits, embodying the transformative power of compassion and community service.

To learn more about our Young Professionals Group please visit,


Literacy Point of Light: Young Professional Group, Gala Co-Chair, Grace Gosnell


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