Literacy Point of Light: Jacqueline Valle

Meet Ladies for Literacy Guild member Jacqueline Valle.

Growing up in a family of educators, with both her mother and grandmother dedicating their careers to teaching, Jaqueline understands firsthand the significance of reading in shaping a child’s future. Inspired by her family’s legacy and the love of books instilled in her, Jaqueline felt compelled to give back and nurture a similar passion for literacy in young minds.

For Jacqueline, volunteering goes beyond mere service; it's a source of joy and personal growth. Each month, she eagerly anticipates the opportunity to share her love of books and inspire children to explore the wonders of literacy through the Foundation’s Reading Roundup program supported by the Ladies for Literacy Guild. Through her efforts, Jacqueline hopes to instill in them not only a love for literacy but also the confidence to pursue their dreams

“Seeing the kids' faces light up and hearing them express gratitude or hug me after reading is heartwarming and joyful,” says Jacqueline. “I also enjoy passing the classes as other volunteers finish their reading and hearing the kids beg, ‘Will you please come back and read to us again?’”

Reflecting on her own journey with literacy, Jacqueline emphasizes the positive impact it has had on her son's life. Witnessing him thrive academically and emotionally, she attributes much of his success to the foundation of literacy laid down by she and her family. It's this realization that fuels Jacqueline's dedication to ensuring every child has access to the same opportunities for growth and development through reading.

One of Jacqueline’s favorite quotes by Maya Angelou that has stuck with her is, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” These words encapsulate Jacqueline's philosophy of life and her service to others through the Ladies for Literacy Guild.

Jacqueline’s story is a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can illuminate the path for others.

You, too, can play a role in inspiring children and serving as a role model by joining our Ladies for Ladies for Literacy Guild or Young Professionals Group. Learn more at


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