Ways to Give: Donating Property or Physical Assets  

Making a charitable donation is a remarkable act of kindness, and while many donors opt for cash contributions, donating property or physical assets can be equally impactful.  

Tax Benefits: One of the primary advantages of donating property or physical assets to the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation is the potential for significant tax benefits. By appraising the value of the donated property, you can claim the fair market value as a tax deduction, potentially reducing your tax liability. It's important to consult with a tax professional or financial advisor to understand the specific tax implications.

Simplifying Estate Planning: Donating property or physical assets to us can be an effective way to simplify your estate planning process. By transferring ownership during your lifetime, you can reduce the complexity and potential costs associated with transferring these assets to heirs after your passing. This strategy allows you to support a cause you care about while ensuring your estate is distributed according to your wishes. 

Making a Lasting Impact: The tangible nature of property or physical assets can often have a more visible and direct impact, providing charities like the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation with valuable resources we may not have otherwise obtained without your generosity. 

Diversification of Charitable Giving: by donating assets that may have appreciated significantly in value over time, such as real estate or valuable collectibles, you can make a more substantial contribution while potentially offsetting capital gains taxes on the appreciated assets. 

For a list of items we accept and do not accept, please click here

Unlocking Unused Assets: Donating property or physical assets allows you to put underutilized or unused assets to good use. It can be an old vehicle, artwork, jewelry, or even real estate properties that are no longer needed or have become burdensome. By donating these assets, you can free up space, reduce maintenance costs, and contribute to a cause that aligns with your values. 

Your money matters, so make the most of it! Learn more about donations of physical property, physical assets, and other ways to maximize your charitable investments by contacting your financial advisor.  


Phillips 66 Gift to Expand Literacy Program Access


Ways to Give: Life Insurance Gift